photo of two women drinking tea in their own home

More housing choices for you

A happy, safe home is a vital for a great life!

With the right NDIS funding, and the help of Options for Community Living, you can explore a wide range of housing and in-home supports

Would you like to:
  • change where and how you live?
  • choose who you live with?
  •  know more about new choices in housing?
  • find the right supports to have a great life at home?

Then completing and returning our referral form should be your next step. We will match you with a specialist Support Coordinator who will get in touch. Or call us on Ph: 1300 020 625

Why Options for Community Living is different

Araluen has two specialist teams that can help you find a better home. We can also help you get the supports you need to live a great life in your home and in the community too.

Find a great home

We have a dedicated Support Coordination team that focuses solely on exploring housing options with people who are looking for a home of their own.

Learn what’s possible!

  • Live with who you want
  • Where you want
  • How you want

The NDIS is changing the way people with disability can live. Our team is leading the way in assisting people to explore new housing choices. Find a home that suits you!

Be happy in and out of home

The NDIA’s Supported Independent Living (SIL) Quoting Tool lets our staff accurately measure the supports people receive over a 24 hour period, 365 days a year. This means we can put the right supports in place so you can live a more connected and independent life.
SIL is funding you could receive in your NDIS Plan to pay for support or supervision of daily tasks. This includes help you receive in your home like learning to cook meals or managing your budget. There are lots of ways you can be supported in your home.

You could also use SIL to pay for the things you need to do in the community, like go to appointments or see friends.

Let’s talk!

We can meet with you and the important people in your life. Let’s talk about different types of housing in your community that could suit your needs. Araluen can talk you through options ranging from supported group homes to living by yourself.
We can also help you know what supports and services you’ll need to manage your daily tasks once you’ve found a home to love.

Some of the things we can talk about together include:

  • Road-mapping a path for future independent living
  • Respite options
  • Assessment of independent living skills
  • Linking with services and programs to build your everyday living skills
  • Assistance locating a suitable, affordable property
  • Assistance viewing and applying for private rentals and obtaining a lease
  • Property Development
  • Group homes/supported options

Araluen Housing Support Network

Join our next meeting to learn about exciting new housing choices

  • NEXT MEETING COMING SOON – register your interest HERE
  • More information coming soon
Araluen hosts regular Housing Support Network Meetings throughout the year, subject to COVID-19 restrictions and safety precautions. These free events bring together people with disability and their families and carers with a range of providers from both the disability and mainstream housing sectors. Our informative speakers include industry professionals as well as parents and others who share details of their experiences.
Our Housing Support Network events cover a wide range of topics so you can learn about new housing options and in-home supports that may be available. Meet people in a relaxed and friendly setting. Chat with others who share a common goal – to design and achieve a great housing outcome that best meets their needs and supports their desired lifestyle.
At present, there are no events scheduled due to the COVID-19 situation. Please email us if you’d like to receive a notification for future events. Everyone is welcome!
EMAIL us to register your interest – CLICK HERE

Araluen Housing Roadshows

Araluen holds presentations for groups who are interested in hearing about how NDIS funding is changing how people with disability can live.

If you have an audience who might benefit from Araluen’s expertise as a leader in exploring housing options, we can come to you! We can tailor a presentation suited to the interests of your group at a suitable time during or after hours.

EMAIL us if you’re interested – CLICK HERE