Our Values and Behaviours
Let’s hear what our Values and Behaviours mean to our community of voices
We have been on a very important journey in 2023, to set an important new Culture for One Araluen, based on a set of shared Values and supporting Behaviours that unite us across the organisation and guide us in delivering our core purpose of supporting our participants to achieve great lives.
We gathered feedback from across the voices of our Araluen community, our participants, our families and carers, and our staff, to understand the most important values and behaviours to us all.
There was a lot of harmony in the responses from our community. This helped us identify the 6 values, anchored in foundational human heartfelt needs, and the 4 behaviours, that we can all demonstrate to bring each of our values to life.
Our Values and Behaviours Framework is the foundation for everything we do and how we do it at Araluen.
Our Values and Behaviours framework
We hold each other accountable
One of the most important behaviours we have in our Values and Behaviours Framework is “We will hold each other accountable to our Values & Behaviours”.
Holding each other accountable to our values and behaviours is how we build a culture of accountability across our Araluen community.
The role that feedback plays in creating a culture of accountability
Positive feedback can help someone feel confident and take ownership of the choices that they’ve made.
Constructive feedback can help them identify actions to improve their impact for next time.
This makes giving and receiving feedback a powerful way to build a culture of accountability.
Stop-Reflect-Connect is our model for giving and receiving feedback
You can use our Stop-Reflect-Connect model to help you make both positive and constructive feedback more impactful by creating a two-way feedback system, rather than one person just giving another person feedback.
It is an approach that can be used either in the moment, or in a planned feedback
Values & Behaviours Resources
(via Araluen People)